2008年8月11日 星期一


這次豐田給我們帶來的這款產品,秉承了日系廠商小巧的特點,和Segway比起來是有些許的可愛,名字也起得不錯, Winglet,雙翼。你可以馬上聯想到造型酷似昆蟲的翅膀,同時這個系列的產品提供了3個型號,S,M,L,顯而易見是為那些不同身高的人準備的;和 Segway的原理是一樣的,配置了許多感應器,包括平衡感應,可以感知人體的傾斜度從而實現前進後退,同時還增加了一個障礙物感應功能,可以在你看不 見或者是開小差的時候幫助躲閃,在接下來的2009,Winglet會在日本國際機場和酒店等場合進行進一步測試,在2010年量產,我們已經迫不及待要 知道價格了。 Winglet S:265×464×462mm,重9.9公斤,最高速度6 km/h,充電時間1小時,可巡航5 km。 Winglet M:265×464×680mm,重12.3公斤,最高速度6 km/h,充電時間1小時,可巡航10 km。 Winglet L:265×464×1,130mm,重12.3公控,最高速度6 km/h,充電時間1小時,可巡航10 km。 http://chinese.engadget.com/2008/08/04/segway-toyota-winglet/

2008年6月16日 星期一

Intense Cycles

Just see the pic, smart and cool. This photo is the SS(Slope Style) model come from Intense Cycles. "This bike is built to perform in the MTB park environment giving you the ablility to throw tricks and fly over built lines with ease. With slope style specific geometry. this bike will redefine how MTB park riding is meant to be."

Indicator Glove

This indicator Glove for safer cycling, it can give the signal when you stop, trun righ or left. Cool and simple design! Each glove contains a micro-switch located inside the fabric of the first finger. The switch operates a bank of 4 Ultra-Bright red flashing LED's and can pressed on/off quickly and easily with the thumb. An existing product - Safe Turn Indicator, which you can buy. It's a wrist-mounted amber LED lamp which uses a tilt switch to recognise when a signal is required.


Sir Clive's A-Bike measures only 67 x30 x 15cm. It weighs in at only 12-pounds and can be folded up within a mere 20 seconds. It is a super-light bicycle, you can easily take it to the bus and subway. Check out more see this adorable A-bike.


A fun bicycle, and a new way to ride the tandem bicycle. A unique tandem bicycle, Bi-Cycle allows both riders to contribute equally to the riding experience. Since both riders can steer and pedal at the same time, riding this bike demands a trust bond between the riders. Check out see the video.