2008年6月16日 星期一
Intense Cycles

Indicator Glove

Bust a Moov: concept bike goes 'biomechanical'
2008年6月14日 星期六
Maintenance-Free Drivetrain
The swiss bicycle manufacturer KATZ-Bikes has one objective: Maintenance Free Bicycles!
Here is the first concept for a maintenance free MTB.
The drivetrain consists out of a Rohloff Speedhub in combination with a completely capsuled chain drivetrain. The rear wheel can be removed without touching the chain. This is realized by a special couppling between the internal geared hub and the rear pinion gear. The rear pinion gear stay on the bike and is a part of the drivetrain.
The efficiency is pushed by the following details to a high level:
- capsuled drivetrain
- the chain has a wide overlapping on the chain wheel and the rear pinion by using to little guiding pinions. These two guiding pinions are on the untensioned side of the drivetrain with a low influence on the efficiency. The tensioned upper chainline has a straight effective direction!
- the chain will be tensioned by the two guiding pinions (like a derailleur).
There is a whole bundle of maintenance free details on this bike concerning other parts. A price is not defined but the bikes will be available next spring. Phil´s veloblog is also discussing the benefits of this concept.
CUBE Urban Concept Bike
CUBE a german bicycle manufacturer released a Urban Bicycle Concept.
coperation with the University Coburg/Germany (Productdesigner Gregor Dauth, Professor Gerhard Kampe) shows a 28″ wheel folding bike.
Here are the main features of the concept:
CUBE has a sportive bicycle portfolio. So the customers are focused on a sportive urban bicycl concept. The lightweight urban bike can easily carried into the flat and the working place. Two folding links to fold the bike and transport for long distance travel (Car, train, plane) Interesting to see that also here a internally geared hub with 8 speed is used (See also Cannondale Sram Projekt ONE with a Sram i-MOTION 9 hub). The hole drivetrain is completely capsuled. This protects the chain from rain, dust,….. I cannot understand that there are so many urban bicycles on the market who disregard this fundamental necessity! The HEBIE Chainglider is a revolutionary invention and nearly no bicycle maufacturer uses this fantastic part. Also in this bike concept the essential urban fenders are missing. Who wants to ride with this bicycle to work on a rainiy day! Sorry!!!! Maybe most of todays urban bikes are looking better without fenders and capsuled a drivetrain but when you face real world the cool design will not protect the designer cloth from getting dirty. The 28″ rear wheel can be released out of the frame. The rear pinion gear and the rear brake disc rests on the frame. This means the rear wheel looks more or less like a front wheel. There are no additional parts on any side of the hub. This has the advantage, that no oil or dirt from the rear pinion gear can touch your clothes and it´s much thiner part to store. Also interesting to see that the rear brake disc is mounted on the derailer side. This is the opposite side compared to actual bicycles. Do YOU have any idea why?
This urban bike concept is another proof how bright the future of internal geared hubs is. Check also the Bicycle Design Blog for a deeper sight…
2008年6月12日 星期四
The GINA LIGHT is a roadster concept on which the usual body sheet metal found on production vehicles such as bonnet, side panels and doors have been all replaced with a special, flexible, highly durable and extremely expansion-resistant fabric material that stretches across a metal wire structure.
A number of elements of the substructure are actually movable and the driver can shift them by means of electric and electric-hydraulic controls resulting to a change the shape of the outer skin. For example, when the headlights are not active they are hidden under the special fabric cover. As soon as the driver turns on the lights, the contour of the front ends changes revealing the twin-headlights –just like a human being opens his eyes.

2008年6月5日 星期四
前陣子讀到美國環保生活雜誌「VegNews magazine」盤點全球十大「最綠城市」,赫然發現名列第一的竟然就是我很熟悉的荷蘭阿姆斯特丹。雜誌的評鑑分析說明阿姆斯特丹政府每年會撥出4000萬美元的預算,用於城市基礎設施的環保改造:在阿姆斯特丹,37%的市民都騎車出行;另外從2009年底開始公布一項限制舊汽車進入市中心的計劃,規定所有1991年前生產的汽車都將被禁止進入阿姆斯特丹市中心區域,以減少城市的空氣污染。
此外在荷蘭用舊貨是普遍接受的概念,落實垃圾分類的同時,各城市亦有交換二手家用品的專門機構;阿姆斯特丹最大的跳蚤市場滑鐵盧廣場,充其量只是給觀光客滿足逛街樂趣的觀光景點,更多規模更大的跳蚤市場漫佈在城市的四處,其他城市亦同,我在荷蘭最大的樂趣之一就是每週去逛這些地方尋寶,最常消費的則是二手書店(關於我與舊貨的故事,請見I am Garbage Queen);
1. (荷蘭) 阿姆斯特丹 特點:鼓勵環保交通工具 2. (美國) 芝加哥 特點:氫氣燃料、風力發電 3. (巴西) 庫裏提巴 特點:公共交通系統獨特 4. (德國) 弗萊堡 特點:太陽能發電 5. (尼泊爾) 加德滿都 特點:屋頂綠化、建築限高 6. (英國) 倫敦 特點:徵收車輛環保稅 7. (冰島) 雷克雅未克 特點:氫燃料巴士、地熱 8. (美國) 波特蘭 特點:綠色建築、發展輕軌 9. 新加坡 特點:零耗能建築 10. (加拿大) 多倫多 特點:LED照明系統、深層湖水冷卻系統
我對於排名這件事一向抱持存疑態度,更相信全世界還有更多城市也正在對地球環境盡一份心力,不在前十名並不代表他們就做得不好;同時,雖然我也是能源短缺物價飆漲的受害者,但我響應環保卻不是為了省錢,而是真的覺得地球需要我們舉手之勞的努力。很少人知道今天(6月5日)是聯合國訂定的「世界環境日」,大家朗朗上口的「我們只有一個地球」口號,早已是34年前第一次世界環境日的主題了。今年的主題則是「踢除舊習,邁向低碳經濟 (Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy)」。就從這天起,讓我們大家一起身體力行,讓地球多活幾千年,也給自己一個更健康的生活環境吧。
2008年6月2日 星期一
Extravagant Designs by Luigi Colani
Luigi Colani is a legend among industrial designers (see both his sites 1 and 2). We've featured radical-looking Colani trucks, and his streamlined piano, but now - thanks to the photo material provided by Roger Todd, exclusively for DRB - we can have a glimpse of his other designs, namely -
Aerodynamic Planes, Trains and (more) Automobiles
...all from a never-never land of the most far-reaching imagination of the modern designers. To describe these concepts simply as streamlined is a huge understatement. They are wild, exciting, totally unexpected forms - a tribute to a Golden Age of futurism (see our futurism category).
This era is largely gone... we don't see designers becoming superstar celebrities anymore, who would capture and shape world's imagination. Industrial design has become an 'apropos' feature of our life, but perhaps it lost some of its glamour and inspirational influence that defined the image of 1960s and 70s.
Let's start with trains. A steam train for Soviet Russia, no less! -
More ideas for the aerodynamic high-speed trains:(I wonder if Japan is going to use any of them for their Shinkansen "bullet" trains)
Outrageous TransportationGiant Flying Boat (Ekranoplan) "The Lida", 1983Considering the Soviet love for ekranoplans ("wing-in-ground" vehicles), it is really surprising that they did not actually made this beauty:
Even larger one:
This is what I call truly radical aircraft conceptsSome of them beg the question "Why not?" (like this sketch done for the Japan Air Lines) -
...and others will leave you scratching your head, but also - perhaps considering the thought that the modern aviation is long overdue for a design overhaul:

This is the Coal-Dust-Powered Steam Locomotive for Siberia, 1979, more precisely for the BAM (Baikal Amur Mainline). I have no trouble imagining these beasts devouring infinite taiga-covered miles, no trouble at all. Too bad it did not materialize (BAM itself was not properly finished) -

Cars & bikes that will re-define luxury (again)
More recent design for the streamlined mobile home:

Many of his shapes will haunt your sense of beauty - you can either love them, or hate them, there is no middle ground. However, this is the essence of exciting design: to challenge the predetermined (and possibly stale) mainstream sensibilities. Luigi Colani has been doing this like no one else since the 1970s.Final image: This is how our space program could look, if designers like Luigi Colani had their say -
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