I know what you're thinking: "I've always wanted to get into extreme sports, but they're just not high-tech enough for me." Let me introduce you to the Moov, a seriously badass concept bike conceived by student Jean-Michel Raad. He designed it so the rider can quickly change the separation between the rear wheels, making it easier to perform acrobatic stunts. When Raad presented the concept at the Coventry University MA Design Show last December, he described the Moov using "biomechanical muscles" to achieve its transforming ability, but exactly how they work isn't clear. What is clear is that Raad knows what he's talking about when it comes to extreme biking — he's an aficionado of Parkour (a.k.a. "free running"), the French practice of cycling through treacherous urban landscapes and generally tearing up the streets of Paris. The judges at the design show were apparently convinced, and they gave him first prize based solely on the concept and some animation. We like the idea — and love the design — but hope Raad gets Mooving on a prototype soon, lest we turn to the
ScarPar for our extreme needs. — Peter Pachal