2008年5月31日 星期六

Bloom : peddling green

The Bloom device is meant to be a subversive and inspirational tool for our concrete jungles. Similar to the tuft of a dandelion as the wind carries the seedling, we propose a way of dispersing seedlings with bubbles and bicycling. Seeds are co-mingled with a bubble mixture and upon pedaling to your destination , you release the floating seeds which land in cracks and crevices throughout the city streets. Over time, the seeds grow into flowers and plants to create a green "fringe" to our sidewalks and streets. Using natural ingredients; vegetable based soap and seeds, combine together to make a dissolving "nugget". The resulting mixture resides in a reservoir inside Blooms aluminum housing. The housing is attached to the lower frame near the rear tire, similar to a exhaust pipe. Upon pedalling, air enters the front of Bloom and spins a pinwheel inside which picks up a small drop of the seed/bubble mixture and blows a bubble carrying a seed out the back as "exhaust". Our inspiration comes from the tale of Johnny Appleseed, where he would spread seeds everywhere he went planting apple trees for future generations.


2008年5月28日 星期三

The Sound Of Music

The Sound From Wind is hands down the most innovative if not frivolous bicycle accessory to date. What you get are a pair of flutes that attach to either sides of the handle bar. As you ride you bike, air rushes thru chambers producing sounds similar to an ocarina. You manipulate those sounds by pressing keys on both flutes and if you want a fuller, richer sound - ride faster! This is brilliant for two reasons. One, I’ve always loved the sound of a flute or ocarina. Two, I’ve always wanted to move with my own soundtrack. This somewhat brings me closer to my dreams of living out my musical fantasies. And while I’m at it, might as well add beads to the spokes, neon blinkers front and rear, and a bell to complete the fully pimped out look. Designer: Joseph Kim



1.實踐大學產品設計 吳孝儒 Folk;Tie繫俗台灣
2. 阿平手工餅 他的包裝設計算是最完整的一組,使用的材質非常的復古,加上特殊的組合包裝方式,將原本看起來不起眼的餅乾盒,經過改造設計之後,就算裡面的餅乾不怎麼好吃,但他的包裝深受大眾的喜愛,一定又會帶起另一波風潮
這組的設計非常的替女性著想, 以特殊另類的包裝方式去包裝衛生棉,讓女性在更換衛生棉減少不必要的尷尬,他們這組還有另一項貼心的設備是衛生棉防潮的功能,以烤麵包的照型,去烘烤,減少細菌的滋生,目前剖受大眾女性的喜愛
7.隨組蛋扭蛋公仔 目前市面上有許多扭蛋機器,但是大家扭完扭蛋之後,扭蛋空殼也就變成了新的垃圾,這組具有不錯的環保概念,利用扭蛋的空殼,在去研發出新的扭蛋
10. 作品名稱:弓滿弦

女人我最大 -Liv/giant男人止步


Liv/giant屬於捷安特的副品牌,它正是Cassandra獨特思考邏輯下的產物。 台灣女性的要求很高,因此只要能通過台灣市場的考驗,就能推行到全世界台灣自行車業很發達,但騎乘的女性人口卻不多,Cassandra認為這是通路的問題,傳統的自行車店讓女性卻步,她們害怕在一堆金屬中購物、也害怕遇上不老實的老闆。Liv/giant提供一個簡單溫馨的購車環境,女性不需再皺著眉頭挑選車種,在精心策劃下,消費者很容易就可在一堆看起來都一樣的自行車裡頭挑出適合自己的車型。 裝潢陳設巧妙揉入「大地、風、水、太陽」等不同元素,Cassandra仔細挑選了媽媽車、跑車、小輪徑與登山車等四大類產品陳列在店裡,這已能符合絕大多數女性的需求,也精簡了挑車的困難度。採訪過程中,筆者發現原來捷安特以「安、適、愛、美、輕」等Five Point為設計主軸的「W車系」,正是Cassandra所主導的計畫,這也是國產自行車首見的「Women女性專用車系」。未來市場上極可能會出現以「Liv/giant」為名的女用自行車,讓台灣自行車市場更為多元化、消費者選擇也更多了。 67年次的Cassandra不但是捷安特「女性車系」的計畫經理,而且也是Liv/giant的店長。 參考資料:http://www.carnews.com/detail/2008-5/28/article_view_17499.htm

2008年5月26日 星期一


Puma Biomega Bicycle

PUMA and design bike manufacturer, Biomega, introduce the new PUMA 8-Speed Urban Mobility Bike as part of Urban Mobility collection, a premium accessories collection created with the needs of a city dweller in mind. This bike is for those who like to get places fast without fuss. Possessing the quintessential PUMA characteristics of fun and functionality, the new model has an 8-speed internal Shimano hub, integrated wire lock system, twin disc brakes and semi-fold design. This easy-folding design makes the bike a perfect travel companion and allows commuters easy access in and out of public transport, cars or elevators, without compromising the style or structure. The bike is available in two color options: love2ride (red) and darklove (grey) and available beginning this June at PUMA stores nationwide. If you are in New York and want to take a test ride of the new PUMA Biomega, head to Hub Station at 73 Morton St. - NY NY. Check out more pictures of the bike after the jump.


A.FrameFix concept

Designer Alex Suvajac created this A.FrameFix concept track bike that, despite its highly technical and space-age appearance was inspired by a frog. Nature meets technology.

The GreenMachine


TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY: New Strida 5.0 Collapsible Bikes

The sleek form and clever functionality of British designer Mark Sanders’ foldable bikes have been earning accolades in Europe for over a decade. The latest, the Strida 5.0, is now available in the US bringing with it a new hybrid commute sensibility that is rolling in praise. More than just a utilitarian part of greener transport, this bike is an exercise in cool What sets the Strida 5.0 apart from other collapsables is its tripod-like frame which folds easily into parallel tubes. Unfolded, the tubes form a triangle – handlebars and wheels occupy the three points and the adjustable seat slides along one side. The unique, patented frame streamlines the design and makes fold-up quick and easy - Strida boasts a six second shift from expanded bike to folded traffic-averting accessory. With the commuter user in mind, the 5.0 rolls with a silent, clean Kevlar belt – no greasy pant legs – and the folded design manages the sidewalk stretch with parallel tires that make it an agreeable sidekick while strolling. Although still in the single gear folder category, the bike has evolved from the earlier 3.2 version with tougher, lighter components that don’t need much attention - just tires and disc brakes need maintenance. 資料來源:http://www.inhabitat.com/2008/02/12/strida-50-brings-the-cool-to-collapsible-bikes/

Turn signal bike jacket

Just a really great idea for bikers, to let the cars behind you know where you are going. Leah Buechley used her LilyPad Arduino to make this soft circuit turn signal bicycle jacket, great for spring.



Challenged to rethink motorcycle transportation, Art Center College of Design student Jake Loniak decided the idea of a machine as an extension of the body should be taken literally. Inspired by Biomechatronics and called the Deus Ex Machina, Loniak’s concept is an electric vertically parking motorcycle controlled by 36 pneumatic muscles with 2 linear actuators. The Deus Ex Machina remains in the concept stage, but it’s expected to go from zero to 60 in three seconds and achieve a top speed of 75mph. It has an incorporated helmet, but no storage space. The single motor is contained in the central wheel and, fortunate for the environment, runs off of nano-phosphate batteries similar to those in hybrid cars. 資料來源:http://www.flylyf.com/yamaha-branded-wearable-motorcycle-concept/


YAMAHA的燃料電池機車,FC-AQEL全球首發! 【 AUTONET 蔡致堅 】 別以為氫燃料電池是四輪汽車的專利,只要是和發動機有關的交通工具都可以,也因此YAMAHA開發出等同125cc級距的電動機車。 其實YAMAHA開發氫燃料電池系統已經超過20年以上的歷史,並在2005年九月發表等同能發揮50cc排氣量功率的FC-me,完全以氫燃料電池為動力源,污染絕對是零,然而功率與續航力卻稍嫌不足。 因此YAMAHA再接再厲,又推出擁有125cc實力的FC-AQEL,新開發的燃料電池不僅達能容納更多液態氫,且體積更小並輕量化,再者藉由電腦控制讓驅動性更完美,一點也不會浪費能源,續航力也是先前FC-me的兩倍。 要是哪天這種氫燃料速克達能大量生產,那麼賣排氣管不就沒生意了,乾脆排氣管當裝飾品就好,反正聲浪也沒有。 資料來源:yahoo汽車http://tw.autos.yahoo.com/auto_information_article2/url/d/a/061113/4/yu8.html

讓不會飛的飛天腳特車帶您踏遍天下! - Engadget 癮科技

Mike's Flying Bike for Google Earth Ok, I have to say this is the craziest way to control Google Earth I've seen yet (even crazier than the ping pong ball interface). This guy Mike has used a SunSPOT (a 3D sensor device that has a Java software interface) to enable his bicycle to serve as a flight control joystick for Google Earth's flight simulator. He claims the pedals serve as the power control, and has built a couple other lever controls for what looks like aerolon (banking) controls. Anyway, check out Mike's Flying Bike YouTube video: 想用鐵馬踏遍世界,卻苦無時間、精神、金錢、贊助商...嗎?沒關係,由 Mike 這位朋友打造的 Flying Bike,想必能夠幫您一圓這個美夢。 他老兄利用昇陽 (Sun) 的 SunSPOT (Sun Small Programmable Object Technology) 感應器跟其他稀奇古怪的各種感應裝置結合,打造了這個跟腳踏車融為一體的 Google Earth 操作系統。有了他,使用者就可以像電影 ET 裡頭的場景一般,騎著那美美的登山車,向世界的各個角落前進;它最大的好處就是不用出門曬太陽,還兼有瘦身的效果。 [出自 Google Earth Blog, thanks Roger]

2008年5月25日 星期日

新世代概念單車來臨!!! 第12屆IBDC全球自行車設計比賽評論

新世代概念單車來臨!!! 第12屆IBDC全球自行車設計比賽評論 作者: Han Goes (IBDC國際評審委員) 2008年對於全球的自行車產業而言,是深具潛力的一年。 歐洲政府與當地居民皆熱情地簇擁自行車,成為擺脫污染、交通擁塞、停車問題,還有解決過度肥胖的最佳交通工具,因為它:乾淨、便宜、簡單。 同時,愈來愈多消費者對自行車復興大感興趣,這興趣來自不同起源。一般消費的男士女士幾乎都為了同樣的原因,尋找新車種,或是增加機能性的產品。 2008年1月4日,由國際知名自行車界及工業設計界專家所組成的IBDC全球自行車設計比賽評審團,嚴謹公正地將19件優秀入選作品評定出各獎項名次。這19位進入總決賽的設計師,用他們的作品展現出新世代單車概念:輕巧、現代感、大眾化男女兩用、可折疊,以及動力輔助等多功能高附加價值車種…完全符合消費者的理想需求。   回顧近20年來市面上的自行車產品, 在製造及創意概念發想方面,一直被多數的登山車以及次之的競賽公路車深刻地影響著。有時侯,這樣的發展趨勢僅針對這些車款有利:例如在變速功能以及車身減重方面,然而,對於其它自行車款產品,這方面的進展卻沒有太多助益。儘管增加了更多的段數(從21到30),設計出更長的避震行程(由160mm取代80mm),除了對登山車有利之外,對其它車種確實沒有帶來任何幫助。 現今自行車除了基本的傳動系統,照明系統與防盜系統上仍不是免維修、非牢固耐久,也並不具防呆的設計;再說,性能車種使用的伸縮式避震前叉卻增加太多重量,而採用無內胎式輪胎來減緩意外的洩氣,這類為達某些目的而發展出的解決之道,對於城市車或旅行車而言,卻是無受用之處,基於以上,自行車產品應仍有很大的改進與發展空間。 新一代的消費者對於新型車種提出的創新騎乘概念有極深切的關注,也嚮往能有新的使用機能,但即使如此,要將目前仍處於想像階段的需求,真正落實於可創造商機的產品,以現階段的生產技術恐仍有相當大的困難。   現今歐洲自行車市場正渴望著: 租賃型單車、電力供應單車、輕巧型折疊車、以及能夠承載更多物品,並且能讓愈多人感到更舒適、使用上更便利…等等。 設計比賽總是扮演著預見“想像中的未來“的重要角色。因此,新世代概念車為何?沒必要查看水晶球回顧歷史,只需仔細觀察近五年來的參賽作品,你就能獲悉足夠的線索,並對未來十年的發展有一個清晰而明確的輪廓。   在自行車產業裡,IBDC是第一個也是最重要的國際知名設計比賽。 具有悠久歷史與國際聲望的IBDC,總是讓全球年輕一代具有創造力的設計師慕名而來。IBDC逐漸成為觀看未來自行車發展最顯而易見的資源,從近十年來IBDC參賽作品裡,我們可以清楚的看見兩個趨勢: 一: 性能車種(登山車、競賽公路車)在近年來的IBDC全球自行車設計比賽裡,幾乎消聲匿跡。今年總決賽的入選作品中,只有一件是雙避震登山車,也完全沒有公路競賽車。這並非由於評審的選擇偏差,而是因為事實上真的只有極少數入選作品是有關於性能車種的。 二: 具有概念性的設計比起「為設計而設計」更具優勢。在第一年的比賽裡(中間到最後90位)的參賽作品偏向於奇型怪狀,過份裝飾的造型。到了21世紀,設計師必須試著鬆脫這些限制,並且他們必須嘗試以「騎乘」的觀點,來發展出創意設計概念。 設計追隨著功能需求的腳步,愈來愈不採華麗的造型導向,反而是重實用與開發性,重視新的觀念與新功能的想法。 因此,最近五年來,IBDC的水準與創新品質已經達到史無前例的層面。 這就是為什麼IBDC全球自行車設計比賽能夠益發重要,且更深具存在價值,漸而成為自行車產業裡最炙手可熱的設計資源。千萬別錯失將於2008台北國際自行車展首日舉辦之第12屆IBDC全球自行車設計比賽頒獎典禮!除了一探今年最新出爐的創新設計,更讓您親身體驗新世代概念單車的來臨! 資料來源:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/taipeishow01/11239897

Rendering Drawing - Pretty

第五屆 全球自行車設計競賽 - 銀牌獎 Second Prize The 5th International Bicycle Design Competition 2001 作品文字說明 Description of entry A. Title of Entry : Pretty B. 設計構想 1. 個性化及更親近人的設計 2. 可以依個人喜好去改變造型顏色  Pretty是多變化的電動自行車,亦是個性化的產品,使電動自行車不只是追求操作上舒適,更要達到人性化的設計。  為了達到以上的構想,Pretty具有圓滑曲線、可愛的造型,不同於管材焊接的傳統自行車,而是採用分模組合的方式去構成整個車身,組合步驟簡易,可以依自己的喜好自行更換車體外殼的色彩或材質,配合不同的場合及時間。  除了製造時可生產多種色彩、材質的車殼供消費者選擇,自行更換外,消費者還可以藉由在電腦中選擇其所喜好的色彩、自行設計圖樣或文字,再由工廠塗裝,因此消費者可有完全符合自己心中想要的樣式。 C. 市場對象 Pretty的市場目標主要是以女性、學生族群及追求個人風格和多變化生活的人為對象。適用於都市區代步用如通勤、散步、逛街的電動自行車。 D. 創新結構說明 1. 小型電動自行車易於停放收藏 2. 以對稱模組化設計減少模具成本 3. 塑膠類復合材質,可有多種色彩變化的外殼,並有強化設計 4. 玩具模型的組合方式,容易自行拆裝更換搭配外殼和保養 5. 可附加多種配備:如專用購物袋、自動照明燈等 6. 變化性大因此產品生命週期可不斷延伸 E .特殊結構文字說明 1. 數位式電量及速度顯示螢幕 2. 模組化對稱設計車體 3. 避震坐墊及旋鈕式座桿束子(旋鈕表面為反射片材質) 4. 單管式避震器、檔泥板式前叉及車輪組裝方式 5. 自動照明前燈 6. 強化塑膠類複合材質車殼結構 .................................................................................................................................................................... Description of Entry A. Title of Entry : Pretty B. Concepts of Design 1.personalized and user-friendly design 2.changeable design, according to user's preference Pretty is an electric bicycle with many possible changes of appearance. It is a personalized product that not only facilitates the operation but also gives a pleasant looking. To achieve the goal of the above-mentioned concepts of design, Pretty is designed with a smooth curving and cute shape. To differentiate with the conventional fixed bicycles which is composed of welded steel bars, Pretty's body structure is assembled with sets of modules. One can change the material and color of the body structure in accordance with his preference. The cold metallic hardness of the ordinary bicycles is thus replaced by a joyful and warm feeling. For the body structure, the manufacturer provides a variety of colors and materials for customers to choose and change the look of their bikes by themselves. In addition, buyers can also choose their favorite color, draft their own designs and characters in reference to the information in the factory's database and ask the factory to do the coating and assembling. In this way, the consumer is sure to get the ideal bike he dreams for. C. Target Market The target market for Pretty is focusing on young female, students and person in pursuit of stylish and innovative things. Pretty is suitable for urban transportation such as commuting and shopping. D. Innovative Features 1.Being a mini-sized electric bike, it is easy to park and store. 2.With symmetric mold set design, it reduces the cost of mole. 3.The surface structure of the bike is made of composite plastic material with many different colors for choice. 4.Assembly method is similar to that of a toy model. 5.Easy to disassemble, maintain, and change parts of the structure. 6.Long product life cycle due to its wide variation. Designer : 廖軍豪 Timothy Liao / 李岳樺 Yueh-Hua Lee ( Philip Lee ) March 31, 2001 資料來源:http://www.flickr.com/photos/yhlee/431510022/in/set-72157600018463043/