2008年5月26日 星期一

讓不會飛的飛天腳特車帶您踏遍天下! - Engadget 癮科技

Mike's Flying Bike for Google Earth Ok, I have to say this is the craziest way to control Google Earth I've seen yet (even crazier than the ping pong ball interface). This guy Mike has used a SunSPOT (a 3D sensor device that has a Java software interface) to enable his bicycle to serve as a flight control joystick for Google Earth's flight simulator. He claims the pedals serve as the power control, and has built a couple other lever controls for what looks like aerolon (banking) controls. Anyway, check out Mike's Flying Bike YouTube video: 想用鐵馬踏遍世界,卻苦無時間、精神、金錢、贊助商...嗎?沒關係,由 Mike 這位朋友打造的 Flying Bike,想必能夠幫您一圓這個美夢。 他老兄利用昇陽 (Sun) 的 SunSPOT (Sun Small Programmable Object Technology) 感應器跟其他稀奇古怪的各種感應裝置結合,打造了這個跟腳踏車融為一體的 Google Earth 操作系統。有了他,使用者就可以像電影 ET 裡頭的場景一般,騎著那美美的登山車,向世界的各個角落前進;它最大的好處就是不用出門曬太陽,還兼有瘦身的效果。 [出自 Google Earth Blog, thanks Roger]
